Sunday, May 31, 2009

A lazy Sunday thwarted

So after I play the role of good husband and go and retrieve my wife's medicine from Rite-Aid due to them having hours put together apparently by the banking community, I come home and what do I find on the TV? The theatrical crack house of women TV of "You've Got Mail" ... and on Lifetime, of course why the hell wouldn't a movie this craptacular be on the worst television channel that comes with cable. I mean I can't get NHL network but I of course get crap like this.

Thank God there is church tonight and Hockey after that, at least then I won't have to spend the entire day watching stuff like this. I mean seriously lets see how many stereotypes this movie plays into. I mean the woman owns some lame ass shop with stuffed animals and a dykish haircut with her cohort that wears a thin tie straight out of 1985, the pigtails are nifty if you're going for the I'm from the age of Punky Bruster but who knows what her actual thoughts were. The owner is a lady named birdie? The one guy that works in this store plays the dejected guy like he plays in all of his roles.

Tom Hanks, seriously ... you've played in great war movies, you directed "Band of Brothers" and then you play this role in this crap? This about a man who finds love on the internet with AOL? First and foremost, AOL sucks... it's always sucked and everything behind AOL sucks. Ted Leonsis sucks and everything else; the Capitals suck. Do you see my thought process? I'd draw a Visio diagram; however, something tells me it wouldn't work well on the internet.

The commercials on Lifetime even suck. There's this ad for a Wonder Hanger? Seriously if you have that many clothes woman obviously you need to get rid of some of them. If you have so many clothes that you can't fit them in a closet obviously you have way to many.

My dogs are barking, I think I'm going to go outside with them. Watching them run around is far more entertainin than this could ever be.

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