Sunday, May 31, 2009

A lazy Sunday thwarted

So after I play the role of good husband and go and retrieve my wife's medicine from Rite-Aid due to them having hours put together apparently by the banking community, I come home and what do I find on the TV? The theatrical crack house of women TV of "You've Got Mail" ... and on Lifetime, of course why the hell wouldn't a movie this craptacular be on the worst television channel that comes with cable. I mean I can't get NHL network but I of course get crap like this.

Thank God there is church tonight and Hockey after that, at least then I won't have to spend the entire day watching stuff like this. I mean seriously lets see how many stereotypes this movie plays into. I mean the woman owns some lame ass shop with stuffed animals and a dykish haircut with her cohort that wears a thin tie straight out of 1985, the pigtails are nifty if you're going for the I'm from the age of Punky Bruster but who knows what her actual thoughts were. The owner is a lady named birdie? The one guy that works in this store plays the dejected guy like he plays in all of his roles.

Tom Hanks, seriously ... you've played in great war movies, you directed "Band of Brothers" and then you play this role in this crap? This about a man who finds love on the internet with AOL? First and foremost, AOL sucks... it's always sucked and everything behind AOL sucks. Ted Leonsis sucks and everything else; the Capitals suck. Do you see my thought process? I'd draw a Visio diagram; however, something tells me it wouldn't work well on the internet.

The commercials on Lifetime even suck. There's this ad for a Wonder Hanger? Seriously if you have that many clothes woman obviously you need to get rid of some of them. If you have so many clothes that you can't fit them in a closet obviously you have way to many.

My dogs are barking, I think I'm going to go outside with them. Watching them run around is far more entertainin than this could ever be.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Make me a supermodel? More like make me vomit ... a lot

Apparently my wife is quite enthralled with TV about models and stuff. While that's cool and all, it makes me want to put a hot soldering iron in my eye. My dogs are passed out on the floor, I'm quite envious of them. Unfortunately there isn't any hockey on tonight... screw you Versus.

So these people are on a beach posing with dead fish in what looks like freezing water. The people that are running the show apparently need to get punched in the face. They're wrapping dead eels on this girls arms with a net and then they flash to a real world type pose where she's crying. Why more crying, always the damn crying. They're like you need to be tougher. How the hell can you be tough when you're standing in freezing cold water with your twig and berries hanging out with two dead fish. Seriously this show makes me want to punt a kitten. Why in the hell do people do this dumb crazy crap in 34 degree temperature? What in their right mind makes them think that this would be a good idea? A frozen squid on their back ... What makes me wonder even more is that there are people out there that view this as good television.

Also, the writers for this... I mean sitting around the table and some d-bag goes "you know what would be a good idea? Lets put frozen fish in almost freezing temps on people." What type of sadistic mind do you have to have in order to think this up? I mean this is seriously people that think this stuff up should be put into a mental hospital.

Now they have this kid with this fish as big as him on his back, seriously this is making me want to kick something. I think I might take my dogs outside, my hour long trip to wal-mart allowed me to miss American Idol... something I'm quite happy that I wasn't forced to sit through, I guess I should have stayed longer and looked more at TV's and other things I'll never buy, at least then I wouldn't be sitting on a couch wanting to injure a small woodland creature.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The trash of Sunday night

So tonight is desperate housewives night. A show that's about a bunch of women living on a street in some suburbia town and we the viewers get to watch their lives gossip about crap that would never happen in a normal world.

So I started late because well, I had important things to do, like stick rusty spoons in my ears, and feed the dogs. It's a two-hour finale night, apparently these shows that suck (I'm experiencing a theme) like to have two hour long season finales. This guy came to marry another girl but he's getting deported... To Canada. I thought people wanted to live in Canada not come to the US... at least all the left-wing tree huggers love going there. Do they not realize that this stuff is very horribly written as well as acted? A stellar line I just witnessed was a debacle of "take care of my boy" and then some lame hand bump and then they looked at each other and then the music changes. Also what in the hell is up with all of these shows with some "narrator" talking about hopes and feelings. Don't they realize that no one cares? The crazy guy (which creeps me out) is super strange. He's all like "I won't work from home tomorrow" and then the crazy voice comes on again. Tanks for the update...

Holy crap finally something cool happens! A car wreck! Finally ... I thought this show was nothing but a bunch of menaposal women bitching and complaining about things that none of us care about.

Dave ... if that's his name... should probably realize that no one cares. He's going to go on a killing spree... I wished he would do that killing spree... might liven a few things up a bit.

HAHAH The look on their faces when the girl got out of the cab.

Th red head bitching about chives ... seriously ... do women really think we care about salads? Number one: no man cares about a salad. Number two: why the hell did she rent a storage unit in her own name?

The guy got so excited about hot fudge sundaes ... like a queer.

I think I'm going to go and play with my dogs ... That could be more enjoyaable...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I lose more than I originally thought

So I ask her during a commercial break to change to VS. to watch some of the Carolina / Boston game ... we can't because she's apparently while we're watching Grey's craptacular; she's recording it as well as some dumb fashion show. So we can't even change to it.

This hispanic chick on this show pisses me off. She talks way too damn much and I rarely see her do anything productive except bitch / whine / complain. For once I applaud livejournal for telling everyone to shutup.

So we're now flashing forward to captain no memory. It's awesome hearing her ask the same questions like how my Grandpa did. This guy Alex is a crybaby and way overacting. He's far to serious ... this isn't a daytime emmy award; get with it man.

Oh and 27 Dresses sucked in case I forgot to write that earlier. And I should know since Delta runs it on every flight apparently.

This thing is easy

So this guy on this show apparently feels the need to start bitching and complaining about being the girl in the relationship and ask other girl for advice. Apparently he needs to goto a knitting party and have fun talking about water sandwiches.

He needs to man up. Crying and sniveling asking a girl to move in with him and then acting like a girl when she says no? What kind of male does that? Seriously. Who writes this crap?
What actually gets me is how some people out there can say that this is far superior to LOST. To those people I call you dumb.

They're now showing such hate and discontent for the Army. Now while I was a Marine I fully support people joining the military. People that try to dissuade people from doing such noble causes deserve to die in a fire. "An intervention?"

Thank God gives me constant updates.

Where the concept of this amazing came from.

This is the conversation that started the entire thing.

: unfortunately now.. she's making me sit here watch this craptacular grays anatomy show
that makes me want to punt kittens
9:46 PM and break things because this show is terribad
friend of wife: I'm watching it, too!
me: and when I say terribad i mean I'd like to punch them in the face while kicking kittens and throwing them from a deck
so obviously, this show is amazing.
9:47 PM friend of wife::(
9:48 PM me: so yeah
that's about it. I think she's doing better
9:49 PM i see you're now talking to my wife
9:50 PM this chick on the tv is talking to dead people
friend of wife: I was trying to.
me: this isn't the 6th sense
don't the writers know that?
she can't see dead people
friend of wife: No
me: because she's dumb
and 27 dresses sucked
friend of wife: She's insane
9:51 PM me: she looks like she got punched in the face with those red things around her eyes
their makeup artist sucks
should be fired
she's got orangutan hands
9:53 PM the guy from the army should show here some hand to hand combat skills real quick... be all like listen woman this is whats up
9:55 PM why does this girl always have to talk at the end with her thoughts ... this isn't live journal woman... no one cares about your emo crap.
9:56 PM quit bitching and complaining
oh snap! the homo kid signed up for the army
he's going to get gang raped at boot camp
friend of wife You should start a blog